Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Another DIY guitarist

I recently got back in touch with an old friend from the Basque Country. Back when I was living there and making my Strat, he was planning on making a Telecaster. We were both quite interested in making our own stomp boxes too, and we were both pretty new to the whole thing. We’ve both learned a lot since then.

I was very happy to learn that he completed his Telecaster (and another!) and has not only continued to make stomp boxes, but has made tube amps too.

His name is Raúl, and you can see some of his DIY guitar projects on his myspace page here: http://www.myspace.com/raulbrontes. The picture above is one of his Telecasters. Isn't it beautiful?

He’s also the lead singer and guitarist in the fantastic band, "The Brontës". There’s some information about them on Raúl’s page, but if you want to learn more you can go to The Brontës’ myspace page at http://www.myspace.com/thebrontes.

Keep up the good work, Raúl!

1 comment:

  1. Cool design, how does the thing sounds? ( I mean the double single coil )
